Our 8 Best Business Reads

As we are celebrate our 8th year in business, we would like to share our 8 best business reads with you – kindly compiled by one of our team – Senior Virtual Assistant, Melanie McDowell.

1.  Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker.  This will shock you into getting an early night!  Full of evidence for why we should prioritise sleep, including research about the implications of sleep deprivation on our health and well-being.  Compelling and utterly terrifying reading.

2.  View From The Summit by Sir Edmund Hillary.  I find autobiographies by people I admire to be incredibly insightful and inspiring.  This is one of my favourites, being both a New Zealander and a rock climber myself.  Find someone you admire and read their story.

3.  The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM by Hal Elrod.  I don’t necessarily agree with his advice about sleep habits (see book number one on this list for why) but the idea of setting aside time each morning to focus purely on personal growth (not work, not chores, not anyone else – just you) before doing anything else, is potentially life-changing.

4.  The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson.  This book helps enormously in focusing on the things that mean the most to us, and letting go of all the noise.  A bit sweary but a great reality check.

5.  The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield.  Is procrastination your speciality?  Full of ideas but find yourself paralysed into inaction by lack of focus?  Yep, me too.  Read this book.

6.  The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage by Ryan Holiday.  A great introduction to Stoic philosophy and a lesson in focusing on those things that really matter.  Ryan also has a blog that I subscribe to … https://dailystoic.com

7.   Eat That Frog!: Get More of the Important Things Done – Today! by Brian Tracy.  Hmmm … another book about procrastination.  I’m seeing a theme here!  I haven’t read it yet but I’ve listened to an audio summary (a great way to decide whether or not a book is right you you, by the way) and added it to my list.

8.  The Headspace Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation: 10 minutes can make the difference : 10 minutes can make the difference by Andi Puddicombe.  I discovered Buddhism and mindful meditation over 10 years ago, at a very difficult time in my life, and it had a profound impact on all aspects of my life.  Andi Puddicombe is a former Buddhist monk; his writing is very accessible and his business model is one that I admire.  I highly recommend the Headspace app too.

If you need to free up some time in order to read these books, we can help.  Please get in touch on 01483 332220 or office@getaheadva.com. Our highly experienced virtual assistants, like Melanie, love to take on the tasks you don’t have the time or the skills for, or simply don’t want to do. We pride ourselves on being the staff you don’t see, but the difference you do.

Find out more about our services or call 01483 332 220 to discuss in more detail.