Nurture your mental health at home

The best thing we can all do right now, to stay safe and slow the spread of coronavirus, is to stay indoors as much as possible. However, this can have an effect on our mental health – being unable to go outside, being isolated from friends and family, and feeling uncertain about what the next few months will hold. Indeed, a number of mental health charities have already reported that this crisis has led to an increase in cases of anxiety.*

Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to protect and nurture your mental health during this time. Here are 5 key things you can do to stay happy and mentally healthy during lockdown – all without leaving the house!

1. Call someone

You may be socially isolating, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel isolated, and thanks to the wonders of technology there are countless ways you can stay in touch with your loved ones without seeing them in person. We recommend setting up a few standing appointments (e.g. a Friday night video chat with friends, a Monday morning call with your mum) to give structure to your week and give you something to look forward to.

2. Stay active

Physical and mental health go hand in hand, so in order to look after your mind, start with your body. The internet is packed with free exercise videos for you to follow – from yoga to aerobics to full-body workouts – or you can simply try to fit more movement into your regular day: take the stairs instead of the lift, or turn on your favourite tunes and have a dance party in the kitchen!

3. Find what absorbs you

If you’re feeling particularly anxious, try to find something you can get lost in for a few hours, like reading or binge-watching a new TV show. If you find that you can’t concentrate on your normal hobbies, don’t worry – perhaps it’s time to try something new, such as gardening, crafting or baking.

4. Be OK with doing nothing

Chances are you’re not getting as much done during lockdown as you would on a normal day, and that’s OK. We’re all surrounded by anxiety and uncertainty at the moment, so don’t feel pressured to carry on entirely as normal. Sometimes the best thing for your mental health is to kick back and do nothing, and not feel guilty about it.

5. Give back

The number one thing you can do to help with this situation is to stay at home, but if you’re keen to do more, you can also donate to charity or volunteer for the NHS. This is a healthy reminder that we’re all in this together, and sometimes the greatest thing you can do for your own mental health is to help others in any way you can.

If you need extra support for your business during this tricky time, please give Get Ahead VA a call on 01483 332220 or email us at Our team of virtual assistants is happy to help with whatever business and marketing services you need. In the meantime, we hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well.


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